
Clayton E. Moneymaker American Legion Post 237



Adjutant Tom Hartley presented JROTC medals at Grissom High School, and spoke about the American Legion, its support of military veterans, and its support of its Americanism programs including recognition of JROTC cadets.


In April and May of 2019, Post 237 presented the American Legion Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, Scholastic Excellence Award, and Military Excellence Awards to outstanding cadets at Alabama A&M University and six area high schools. Presenters, and university and high schools were:

                        Adj. Tom Hartley:                    Alabama A&M University (18 Apr.)

                                                                        Grissom High School (11 Apr. )

                                                                        Buckhorn High School (10 May)

                        Cdr. Don Pinkerton:                Hazel Green High School (16 Apr.)

                                                                        Huntsville High School (25 Apr.)

                        2nd. V. Cdr. Tom Paone:          Lee High School (18 Apr.)

                                                                        Madison County High School (17 May)


            Post 229 provided awards to Sparkman High School, Bob Jones High School, and James Clemmons High School. Post 176 provided awards to Columbia High School. Robert Douglas of Post 351 presented awards at Jemison High School (11 Apr.). 


Text: K. Carpenter, Hist.

          Photo: T. Hartley, Adj.

          Source: T. Paone, 2nd V. Cdr.