Clayton E. Moneymaker American Legion Post 237

 At the Post general membership meeting in the month of March, the Commander shall appoint a Nominating Committee.

 At the Post general membership meeting in the month of April the Nominating Committee shall place the names of the
members chosen for each office in nomination.  After the Committee has made their nominations, the nominations will
be called for and accepted from the floor.

The annual election of officers will be held from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 PM on the day of the regularly scheduled meeting
of the general membership in the month of May.

The polls will be closed at 6:00 PM and the Chairman of the Election Committee will assemble the the Election Committee and
unlock the ballot box and count the votes.

The Election Committee will prepare a report containing the results of the election. The report will be given to the Commander
who will announce the results of the election  at the general membership meeting.